Pest Library
General Information
Flies are the insect of the order Diptera. Flies have a mobile head with large eyes and also pair of wings.
Colour – Grey to Black
Size – 6 to 7 mm
Lifespan – 4 to 5 weeks
Houseflies generally found near human. Houseflies develop their larvae in and around garbage, animal manure. When indoors houseflies reside in floor, corners. When outdoor they rest on plant, soil. They generally live near human.
Threat to Human as a pest
Houseflies can spend number of bacteria through their legs, mouthparts, feces. They contaminate food by landing on it. Houseflies carry various bacteria that can cause number of disease including typhoid, cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis.
Colour – Yellow brown with Brick red eyes
Size – Average 2.5 mm
Fruit files are found in home, hotels restaurants. Fruit flies like ripened fruits, vegetables and fermenting products.
Threat to Human as a pest
Fruit flies frequently contaminate food by carrying various bacteria often resulting in number of disease.
Shiny with metallic colouring, often with blue, green, or black thoraces and abdomens.
Blow fly are attracted to rotting meat.
Threat to Human as a pest
Blow fly contaminate food with their legs, mouth, feces. These species are known to be carrying pathogens that can result in dysentery